Thursday 5 April 2012

In the May issue of OP, there is a great feature on how to shoot time lapse movies with your DSLR, written by Timothy Allen, the photographer behind the lens for the epic BBC Human Planet series. This is the movie that Timothy shot exclusively for the feature, a lovely sequence of the clouds and sunlight rolling across the hills of the Welsh Borders. Find out how he created it in the May issue of Outdoor Photography magazine, on sale from the 12 April. Enjoy the movie...

Friday 13 January 2012

OPOTY 2011 Exhibition Opening

It was a great night last night at theprintspace gallery in London for our Outdoor Photographer of the Year Exhibition Opening and Awards night. Thanks to everyone who came along. If you couldn't make it, or just want to relive it, here are some photos taken by Mark Bentley and Elizabeth Roberts from the event....